We're on Fire!
Hiring has been a struggle across the country for everyone over the last couple of years. We are no exception to the rule, however, it hasn’t hit us as hard as it has hit most companies. In fact, we are still completely on track in terms of hiring and our plan for the year.
We credit a lot of that to our biggest differentiator: PAY!
We believe everyone should be paid what they are worth! Because of that, we are growing faster than we ever thought possible…AND WE LOVE IT!
In the last couple of weeks, we brought on four, YES 4, new associates to join our team. You’ll get to know them all in our staff spotlights and other segments throughout the year, but we wanted to give them a quick shoutout today.
Let us introduce you to (left to right), Natasha Caudill, Erica Willis, Justin Buchner & Matt Tankovich!
Welcome to our team! We can’t wait to be part of your big time success!