Doing the right thing
Every company has core values. When PGT was started, having the right core values was vital. Those values had to drive honest success and bring values to everyone involved in our business.
We determined that T.I.M.E. was our most valuable asset. In every interaction, we strive to uphold our values to keep our team and your business on track.
But what does T.I.M.E. mean for you? We continue this discussion with today’s focus: I is for Integrity. (Did you miss last week’s article on “T is for Teamwork”? If so, check go check it out and then come back to this one.)
According to Merriam-Webster, by definition, integrity is (a) the firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; (b) an unimpaired condition; (c) the quality or state of being complete or undivided.
What does integrity mean to PGT though? The easy explanation: doing the right thing.
We pride ourselves on making the right decision, even if it is a hard decision. No one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but rather than sugar coat it, we promise to be honest and informative regardless of how difficult it may be to hear (or say).

No one likes to make mistakes, but the reality is, we are all human. While our focus is always to minimize error, we will be the first to admit we aren’t perfect. (But we’re close 😊) We will own up to our mistakes, be honest with you, and then do everything in our power to correct it as quickly as possible.
Doing the right thing is the PGT standard. If that sounds too good to be true, we can assure you it isn’t- and we will prove it to you.