Spark Awards Finalist

PGT announced as Better Business Bureau Spark® Awards Finalist

Cincinnati, September 19, 2023 — Premier Global Transportation, a third-party logistics provider located at 1252 State Route 28 in Milford, announced today that it has been named a 2023 Spark Awards finalist by Better Business Bureau Cincinnati.

Launched in 2019, the BBB® Spark Awards celebrate outstanding young entrepreneurs, business owners, and startup founders (35 years old or younger) and distinguished new businesses (in operation three years or less).

Through the Spark Awards, BBB highlights the next generation of ethical businesses. The 2023 Spark Awards finalists were selected by a panel of local 

business leaders for their character-driven operations, extraordinary workplace cultures, and dedication to the community.

“It is an honor to be recognized as a finalist for the award for the second year in a row. We have a fantastic team who has helped set the foundation for us to continue to build and grow and we can’t wait to see where that takes us in the future,” Tony Uhrina, President of PGT said about the honor. “We are excited to attend the Gala next month to celebrate our own success, but just as importantly, the success of all those nominated!”

Winning organizations will be revealed live onstage at the 2023 Torch Awards for Ethics and Spark Awards Gala on Wednesday, October 4, 5:30–8:30 p.m. at Cincinnati Art Museum. Spark Awards finalists will be honored at the event, as well as finalists and winners for the Torch Awards for Ethics program. Reserve your spot at the red-carpet awards gala today.

Media Contact: Tony Uhrina, President
Phone: (513) 575-7645

PGT Supports Breast Cancer Awareness

No One Fights Alone

All of us at PGT want to help all those fighters, survivors, and warriors of breast cancer. Too many people are faced with this horrible disease every day, and we took it upon ourselves to help- no matter how small it may seem.


We are proud to say that our associates helped us raise over $1700 in one week- leading to 5 people getting a pie in the face! We are donating the money to the Pink Ribbon Girls and to a local woman currently battling breast cancer. Check out the video to see who got pied!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hope & Faith Always Win

In October, we wear PINK…


For the fighters,
the survivors,
and the taken.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. It is so common that over 12% of women will be diagnosed with breast cancer within their lifetime.

Our office fits within those statistics, even with only a handful of women in the office. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, it is estimated that almost 290,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2022. They are also an estimated 50,000+ new cases of non-invasive breast cancer expected by the end of the year. 

An estimated 43,550 women will die from breast cancer this year in the United States alone. 

It is rare, but not impossible, for men to be diagnosed with breast cancer as well. It is estimated that almost 3,000 men will be diagnosed this year and over 500 will die from this horrendous disease in 2022.


Prevention & early detection is key!

 Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Know your family history.
Self-examine regularly.
Know the signs & symptoms.
Educate yourself.
Schedule annual mammogram based on your family history & age.
Take the necessary steps to prevent your own diagnosis! And if you get that dreaded diagnosis, rely on your support system to get you through! Always keep the faith that you can beat it because you are stronger than you ever thought you were! Never give up hope!

Career Fairs

UC & Miami

Over the last few weeks, PGT has attended two career fairs- one at the University of Cincinnati and one at Miami University (Oxford, OH). 

Pat & Kandra represented PGT and introduced thousands of students to the logistics world! Thank-you to all the students who took the time to meet with them and express interest in PGT.

We look forward to attending more in the future and adding some new faces to our team! 

Patriot Day

Never Forget

Twenty-one years ago. Some days it still feels like yesterday.

Take time today to remember all those that were tragically killed in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. 


Pray for the families who are reliving this nightmare over and over again.

Never forget.

Thank all the first responders and military who responded and saved as many lives as possible.

There aren’t any words to explain the loss and heartbreak our country felt on 9/11, and the days following, all those years ago. We just have to remember, honor, and live our lives in the memory of those that had theirs unexpectedly taken away. As we come together to remember and honor those we lost, let’s also remember the unity that occurred! 

Kids Matter Most

PGT Gives back to Kids

If we’ve said it once, we’ve probably said it a million times, so what’s one more? We believe giving back to our community is not only the right thing to do, but it is necessary! So we did just that earlier this month.

Together with the PGT staff, our friends & families, we were able to collect enough supplies and donations to put together 27 backpacks for kids in need. We partnered with Clermont County Children’s Services so they could distribute the backpacks where they are most needed. 

We also had some extra supplies that they will keep on hand to use as needed for various activities, visits, and requirements. Huge shoutout to everyone who donated and contributed in some capacity! We all made some kids smile today- and that’s what really matters when it is all said and done!

Goshen Strong

Helping our Neighbors

Last week, our neighbors in Goshen, OH were impacted by the severe weather much of the area saw. They got the worst of it when a confirmed EF2 tornado touched down and damaged many homes, businesses, and the community. The tornado traveled about 2.5 miles and destroyed anything in its path.

While the community is working to rebuild the loss, we wanted to do something to help. We got our team together to come up with a plan. Together with our associates, PGT is proud to be able to supply the city of Goshen with $550 worth of supplies and gift cards to help our neighbors rebuild and get back on their feet.

We were fortunate to avoid the tornado, but we know many others haven’t been so lucky! We are proud to help in any way we can!

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be sent to our neighbors!

Independence Day 2022

Freedom isn't Free

Today is a day to celebrate, spend time with family and friends, and hopefully enjoy an extra day off work.

But…it’s important to remember what we are celebrating! We are celebrating our freedom.

Today has been considered a federal holiday since 1941, but the celebrations started much earlier. On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. Two days later, the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

Our freedoms come at a price. Every day, brave men and women fight to keep our country safe so we can enjoy days like today. Throughout history, many of those soldiers never returned home. 

Today, take time to celebrate and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. Have fun and enjoy the day!

Happy Independence Day from all of us at PGT!

Flag Day 2022

Show your American pride!

We are proud to be Americans in our office. We understand the sacrifices our soldiers make every day to ensure we are the greatest country in the world.

On this day 245 years ago, the Second Continental Congress changed the appearance of the United States flag because the original was too similar to the British flag. George Washington decided that wasn’t a good confidence-builder for the revolutionary effort, so he wanted a new symbol of freedom.

The new “flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white and that the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”

Over 100 years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially established June 14 as Flag Day!

So, what do we do to show our American pride at PGT? Line flags all up our walkway to our main entrance for everyone to see.

Happy Flag Day, Americans!


78 Years Ago

June 6, 1944

A day marked in history forever.

On this date 78 years ago, more than 160,000 troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of the French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy. The allied troops were sent to fight Nazi Germany by General Dwight D Eisenhower. More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircrafts supported the invasion.

Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.”

Many lives were lost on D-Day all those years ago. More than 9,000 allied soldiers were killed or wounded in the invasion. Their sacrifice wasn’t for nothing, though. More than 100,000 soldiers began the slow, hard trek across Europe to defeat Hitler and his army.

Today, please take a moment to remember and honor those who lost their lives in the largest naval, air and land operation in history. Their sacrifice is not forgotten, and our thoughts and prayers remain with their families.

Thank-you to all of our military.