Power of PGT with Taylor

Do your Research!

We’ve heard from several of our team members over the last few weeks. They’ve given us insight as to why they chose PGT over everyone else- because, let’s face it, everyone seems to be hiring these days! Some explained what they love about coming to work every day, and others shared about themselves and what PGT has done for their families.

Today, we hear from Taylor. He took a different approach and explained what steps he took leading up to accepting a position with PGT. He tells you what he did and why he took the leap of faith. 

Give it a quick listen to find out what he’s talking about.

Meet Pat

Cincinnati Born & Raised

Our first Outsides Sales Executive joined us a few months ago. He is making big strides and setting the standard for the role. 

Today, he will introduce himself. Check it out!

Meet Pat!

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, currently living in Symmes Township. I went to Moeller High School and attending the University of Cincinnati where I was a member of the 2005-2006 men’s basketball team coached by Andy Kennedy.

I have been married for ten years to my wife, Becky, and we have a very talented and wonderful son named Bryson. We have a family dog- Bohdi the Pitbull!

I am just starting my career in the logistics industry. I joined PGT a couple months ago and have no regrets. I pride myself on self-motivations, adaptability, strong self-confidence, professionalism, positivity, honesty, and integrity. My greatest motivation in life is my family and doing everything I can to create the best opportunities and life for them. 

I highly recommend PGT for anyone who wants to break into the logistics world, or even for people with years of experience. It is safe to say I fell in love with PGT as early as the interview process. You take one look around and get a great family vibe. Everyone is working together like a true team should. I have all the confidence in the world in our owner and president. The sky is the limit for PGT and its employees.

LIL: June Lady of the Month

June LIL

By: Kandra Dauwe

Each month, we are recognizing the women in the office. I (Kandra) am interviewing these awesome ladies to show that women can work in logistics even with the stereotype that it is a man’s world. So, let’s get started with our first “Lady in Logistics.” She’s the first LIL you think of at Premier Global Transportation. This month, I sat down with our Director of Administration, Cassie Laker.

"A strong woman looks at a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink."

As we said in our previous blog, we are so excited that ladies make up 20 percent of our office, not to mention we are bringing on more as we go. I asked Cassie questions about the industry, her feelings about it, and her experiences.

One of the biggest hurdles Cassie sees that causes lower number of women in the logistics industry is that most people get hung up on the idea that logistics is only doing the dirty work- loading and unloading trailers, transportation, being on the dock, etc. However, there is so much more to logistics and many different opportunities available. 

Cassie has been with PGT since the early days, for over a year and half. When asked what advice she had for women considering a career path in logistics, her response was pretty simple. “Just look at all of your options,” Cassie explained. “See if any of those opportunities fit into your goals and if they do, take the leap of faith. Really, that applies to anyone, but I think women are hesitant to step out of their comfort zone when it comes to the unknown.”

As someone who has been in various roles in logistics for almost 14 years, she encourages employers in the industry to make hiring women a priority. “You’d be surprised at the different dynamic women can bring to this industry,” she stated. “Just reach out to them, educate them, and make your presence known in their world.”

Many women feel like they are treated differently in the logistics world, but luckily Cassie has never felt that. “I have always worked for great companies with bosses who value everyone equally.”

That is definitely the norm here at PGT. Cassie’s final comment was, again, pretty simple: “I never thought I’d be in this industry. It wasn’t even something I considered. I was given the opportunity and it has stuck. PGT offers me the ability to do the things I love with the people I love, so I think it will be for the long haul (no pun intended)!”

Cassie with her niece at the Duke vs Louisville game this past season as one example of doing the things she loves with the people she loves most! (GO DUKE!)

As the Director of Administration, Cassie wears many hats. She handles accounting, human resources, onboarding, IT, payroll, marketing, reporting, and anything else that comes up throughout the day. She’s our go-to person in the office and is a key piece in our team’s success.

Selfie Day

Say Cheese

Today is national selfie day! Of course we had to participate. 

Something so simple ends up being a fun moment in the office. That’s what it’s all about! Check them out below. Who’s your favorite?



Erica & Kandra

Tony & Jake





Sam T


Father’s Day

Happy Father's Day

Sundays are for associate spotlights, so what better spotlight today than all the PGT dads around the office. We have several dads in the office- some with years of experience, others with a little one on the way. No matter where they are at in their fatherhood journey, we know they’d all say that being a dad is their best accomplishment! And we’d have to agree.

Happy Father’s Day to all the PGT dads out there! We hope you have the best day today! You deserve it.

“I’m proud of all the things I’ve accomplished in life, but nothing beats being a dad to Pax and Croix!”

– Tony Uhrina –

“The best part of being a dad is coming home after a long day and seeing the excitement on my kids faces. It instantly puts me in a good mood!”

– Brandon Cliffe –

“Being a dad is being a role model, a rule setter, and sometimes a rule enforcer, but always a die-hard fan.”

– Paul Vezina –

“I love being a dad more than anything in the world. It can be tough at times, but seeing my daughter’s smiling face at the end of the day makes everything worth it!”

– Sam Titus –

“The best thing about being a dad was my first pair of Air Monarchs and the dad jokes!”

– Rob Johnson –

“There is no truer love than being father. My son Bryson is easily the best thing that has ever happened in my life. My favorite thing about being a dad is getting to share in his life experiences and teaching him how to become the best man he can possibly be.”

– Pat Watt –

“I’m looking forward to Louie making his debut in September.  I can’t wait to have a little buddy to watch Ohio State and Bengals games with and be mini-me for Halloween.

– Thomas Gibbs –

“I love everything about being a dad.”

-Chad Rugenstein-


New Team Members

We're on Fire!

Hiring has been a struggle across the country for everyone over the last couple of years. We are no exception to the rule, however, it hasn’t hit us as hard as  it has hit most companies. In fact, we are still completely on track in terms of hiring and our plan for the year.

We credit a lot of that to our biggest differentiator: PAY! 

We believe everyone should be paid what they are worth! Because of that, we are growing faster than we ever thought possible…AND WE LOVE IT!

In the last couple of weeks, we brought on four, YES 4, new associates to join our team. You’ll get to know them all in our staff spotlights and other segments throughout the year, but we wanted to give them a quick shoutout today.

Let us introduce you to (left to right), Natasha Caudill, Erica Willis, Justin Buchner & Matt Tankovich!

Welcome to our team! We can’t wait to be part of your big time success!


Power of PGT with Sam K

The Value of Friendship

Today’s short (I mean seriously, who doesn’t have a minute of time to spare?) video will help put a face to the name Sam Kathman!

Friendship may have gotten him in the door, but what keeps him here? Watch this video to find out!

Meet Rob

An Avid Sports Fan

Rob was born and raised in Northern Kentucky. He stayed local for college as well- he graduated from Northern Kentucky University!

Outside of work, Rob enjoys anything sports related! He is a huge Bengals, UK, and Reds fan! He also enjoys hockey and running half marathons once or twice a year. On top of all of that, Rob trains in martial arts (Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai) in his spare time. 

He has been married for almost five years. Rob and his wife have a two-year-old son and another one due in July. His family is his motivation. He does whatever he can to provide for them and to be able to enjoy his passions!

Rob has over a decade in the military and civilian logistics, including over ten years full-time with the Army National Guard. 

“I love the team-oriented direction of PGT and that everyone can (and will) assist and work alongside each other. I think PGT has so much to offer someone that is looking to start in the logistics industry.” – Rob Johnson

Power of PGT with Jason

Leadership & Compensation

You’ve heard from a few of our associates on what they like about PGT and why they enjoy working here. 

The power of PGT is real, we promise you that. But instead of listening to us, listen to what Jason has to say about PGT.

Today, Jason wanted to share what made him join the PGT team early on.

Give it a quick listen!

Meet Jeff

Associate Spotlight: Jeff Guido

Jeff joined our team back in October and has been grinding away ever since. He’s a pretty simple guy- doesn’t need all the bells and whistles to enjoy life.

He has been local to the area his entire life. He attended Monroe High School and Miami University. He started out his professional career as a mortgage banker. Jeff was the founder of Pinnacle Home Mortgage in 1999. 

His logistics career started with PGT.

“I couldn’t be happier! I work with a fantastic team of associates. When you love what you do, it doesn’t even seem like work!” – Jeff Guido –

In his spare time, Jeff enjoys spending time with his family. He has one brother and two sisters that are all very close. Jeff has one daughter who married a man Jeff admires greatly. He loves playing golf, boating, playing guitar, and skateboarding. He summed it up by saying “I guess you could say that I am living the dream.”