Safety Blitz 2022
No time like the present to prepare. In fact, time is running out to prepare for the national truck safety blitz. How will it impact you? When will you start to feel the impact? How long will it last? Why does it impact you at all? We will answer those questions and more.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Administration (CVSA) conducts safety blitzes across North America around this time every year. They work closely with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)- an organization we are all too familiar with.
What’s the point? At their core, roadchecks are conducted to promote safety of all drivers, pedestrians and shipments on the highways. The CVSA partners with local highway patrol and inspectors at various inspection/weigh stations as well as temporary inspection checkpoints.
What are they checking for? There’s a primary focus every year, but it ranges from mechanical issues commonly found on commercial vehicles to driver credentials, health, and HOS compliance. This year, the focus is on wheel-end components. By narrowing the focus to one or two items, they are able to operate at maximum efficiency. To put that into perspective: the CVSA and their partners have been able to inspect about 15 trucks EVERY MINUTE.
When is it? This year, it will begin Tuesday, May 17 and run through the evening of Thursday, May 19.
What will we start feeling the impact? Traditionally, the greatest impact is felt that entire week, but it often starts as early as the week before. For planning purposes, prepare yourself for impact to start as early as May 11 and continue through May 22.
“Truck capacity will tighten. Rates will escalate for a short period of time but will certainly bounce back. It would be a good idea to get ahead of freight the week before and game plan with your logistics providers.” – Taylor Allen, Logistics Coordinator
Why does it impact you? Truck drivers hate blitz week. It isn’t uncommon for carriers to sit out that week. Regardless, capacity becomes extremely tight and rates tend to skyrocket. If drivers are going to run during a safety blitz, they are going to demand more money to do so. If not, it’s not worth their hassle most of the time.